OGRE - TradeOgre Console and CLI

OGRE is a simple command-line- and console interface to the TradeOgre trading platform. OGRE is a simple terminal interface, both console and CLI, optimized for swing-trading XMR<->BTC on TradeOgre.

It spares you the hassle of having to log in via a browser just to update orders.

There is no affiliation with the platform.


  1. Get OGRE by cloning sxmo-onfire.
  2. Install dependencies listed by this command:
     _common/assert_environment.sh ogre/ogre.sh


To start the interactive menu, run OGRE without providing a command name as parameter:

API_KEY=<key> API_SECRET=<secret> ./ogre.sh

To execute a specific command directly, provide it as first parameter, adding arguments as needed (./ogre.sh <command> [<params>...]). Example:

API_KEY=<key> API_SECRET=<secret> ./ogre.sh ticker



To avoid unexpected behaviour, be sure to use a tagged commit where available.